Match burning out

How to Recognize Burnout On Your Team

How do you recognize burnout on the worship team? Here ten signs that someone might be burning out and needs a significant break.


10 Biblical Reasons to Stand in Worship, 2

Why do we stand so much in worship? If we’d dig into scripture, we’d probably start asking the question,“Why don’t we stand MORE?”


10 Biblical Reasons to Stand in Worship, 1

Why do we stand so much in worship? If we’d dig into scripture, we’d probably start asking the question,“Why don’t we stand MORE?”


Six Tips for Scheduling in a Small Church

Small churches have a unique challenge of scheduling musicians—namely, a lack of team members. So does that mean you just shouldn’t create a schedule?


Worship Team Devotional: Walmart Worship

How much of what we do and plan as worship leaders and teams is really about ourselves, rather than serving the congergation?