Worship Planning & Leading
How to Love Your Worship Songs (Even If You Hate Them)
I have to regularly remind my team of this truth: When we start getting sick of a song, that’s just about the time the congregation is catching on.
Read MoreEpisode 022: Being Present In The Moment
Leslie Jordan talks about the All Sons & Daughters album, Poets & Saints. It was birthed by trek across Europe exploring historical figures whose lives still influence us today.
Read MoreHow Do We Become More Honest In Worship?
I think our worship gatherings need an infusion of honesty in worship. In fact, I think our people are hungry for it—true lament, true questioning.
Read MoreExpectation & The Hardened Heart of The Worshipper
Worshipping is not about re-creation, it’s about new creation because God is thoroughly God, not our expectation of Him.
Read MorePractice By Numbers: Setting Clear Expectations For Your Worship Team
How does this song go again? Do you hate that question during rehearsal as much as I do? You planned the setlist three weeks ago. You uploaded the charts and mp3s to the worship planning app. You wrote out the band and vocal notes outlining who plays what where. And you’ve said time and again,…
Read MoreDefine Loud: Three Things To Consider Before Turning It Down
There are several things people call “loud” that have nothing to do with your overall volume. These three things can help you deal with volume issues.
Read MoreWhat To Do When Your Singers Sing Too Much
The problem: too many voices singing too many parts for too much of the song. It can distract from the worship experience. Here are some tips to help.
Read More7 Ways To Survive The Crazy Stress of Easter
Easter can be a tough season for worship leaders. Here are seven ways to get through this season with at least a smidgeon of your sanity remaining.
Read More[Video] Are You Closing Your Eyes Too Much In Worship?
[Short video training] A common barrier to leading and engaging the congregation in worship: closing our eyes too much. Discussion questions included.
Read MoreFour Simple Habits That Can Transform Your Rehearsal (Before It Even Starts)
Ever had a rehearsal tank? I have. I won’t bore you with the story right now. Just suffice it to say that most anything that could go wrong did. (Except an earthquake. I can thankfully say we didn’t have a massive earthquake at that rehearsal.) Doing a post-mortem on that rehearsal, and others like it,…
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