Worship Ministry Leadership
Worship Planning: Should All Songs Point to the Pulpit?
Some senior pastors require all songs to fit the message theme. This actually hinders preparation and affects the quality of the music and flow of the set.
Read MoreSenior Pastor: How To Lead Your Disorganized Worship Pastor
Are you a senior pastor with a worship leader who’s creative, but unorganized? Here are 7 strategies to lead an administratively-challenged worship pastor.
Read MoreHow To Lead Your Worship Team During a Crisis
Worship leaders have a critical job right now. It happens away from the Sunday livestream and off camera. Your team members need you now more than ever.
Read MoreEpisode 19: Is the Digital Age Damaging The Church?
In this episode, we’re interviewing author and pastor, Jay Kim, who sheds light on how technology and the pursuit of relevance is damaging the church.
Read MoreEpisode 11: Managing the Tension Between Performance and Worship
When musicians sing or play music in front of other people, that’s a performance. Except in worship. How do we deal with this worship-performance tension?
Read MoreWorship Audition Fails: How to Avoid These 8 Big Blunders
If you avoid these worship audition mistakes, you’ll invite the right people in, keep the wrong people out, and grow a healthier worship ministry.
Read MoreHot Wings, Hot Donuts, and Why You Should Take Your Team to a Worship Conference
Going to a worship conference as a leader is beneficial. But taking your team members with you will multiply the impact of that event exponentially.
Read MoreEpisode 10: How To Save Your Church From Self-Focused Worship
Manuel Luz joins us to talk about how to identify and escape the traps of self-focused worship and how to lead worship from our true selves.
Read MoreEpisode 09: The Six Mistakes That Keep Your Church From Singing
In this episode, we’re looking at the common things that we can do to both encourage and discourage our churches from singing.
Read MoreEpisode 08: Six Crucial Leadership Roles (And Why You Struggle with at Least Two)
How can develop a stronger, healthier worship ministry and still meet the high demands of Sunday? With these four systems from our Eight Essentials Systems.
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