Worship Ministry Leadership

Match burning out

How to Recognize Burnout On Your Team

By Jon Nicol

How do you recognize burnout on the worship team? Here ten signs that someone might be burning out and needs a significant break.

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Six Tips for Scheduling in a Small Church

By Jon Nicol

Small churches have a unique challenge of scheduling musicians—namely, a lack of team members. So does that mean you just shouldn’t create a schedule?

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How To Change The Bad Habits In Your Worship Team, Part 1

10 Symptoms of “the ME’s”

By Jon Nicol

A worship band is a ripe environment to grow the virus that causes “the MEs”—musician entitlement syndrome. It becomes all about ME.

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Is Your Team Full of Renters, Squatters or Stewards?

By Jon Nicol

One of the marks of an unhealthy worship team is the presence of renters and squatters. Neither are serving for the reason.

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