Develop Volunteer Worship Leaders

Resources & Training

Getting Started


Get This Free Guidebook: Ten Tips To Develop Volunteer Worship Leaders

Want to grow a team of worship leaders?  Got potential team members who you think could lead upfront? Do you have an already-established volunteer worship leader that you want to take to the next level?

This guidebook will

  • Give you tips to identify and invite potential worship leaders into a development process.
  • Show you an example of what a step-by-step training progression looks like.
  • Help you know what to teach them, and when to slow down or speed up the process.

Click this button below to get access to the Ten Tips Guidebook.

Going Deeper

The lead worshiper 101 course

Get This Team Training Course: Lead Worshiper 101

Develop your team members to be lead worshipers. This training will teach them how crucial their role is. They'll learn: 

  • The Biblical role of lead worshipers.
  • It's not just about making music.
  • How to serve with the right heart.
  • To be expressive and engaging as they lead.

  Click the button below to learn more about Lead Worshiper 101.

Develop a Comprehensive Training Process


Discover how Worship Workshop can help you transform your team members into Team Leaders, Mentors, and Role Models.