Six Mistakes That Keep Your Church From Singing- (Part 3)

Six Mistakes That Keep Your Church From Singing- (Part 3)

As a worship leader, do you ever feel like you’re leading worship for a group of department store mannequins, statues, or maybe even a room full of zombies? I call them screen zombies. They’re the people who stand there, staring at the screen with a blank, almost lifeless expression.

In many congregations, we see these lethargic faces on Sunday mornings—people who just stare at the screen. Sometimes you see their lips moving, sometimes you don’t. If you’re like me, you know exactly where the unengaged or grouchy-looking people sit, and it can mess with your focus while leading. Conversely, we also have those who encourage us with their active participation in worship, and we naturally gravitate toward them.

Now, we can’t judge what’s happening in the hearts of those who seem disengaged or grouchy. They might be deeply connecting with Jesus or hearing from God. We simply don’t know. But as worship team members and leaders, our job isn’t to force people to sing or worship. Instead, we aim to create an environment that encourages participation in musical worship.

The Problem: Discouraging Participation

The problem is that just as we can encourage participation, we can also discourage it. In this article, I’ll dig into some common mistakes we make as leaders and team members that might be keeping our churches from singing. These mistakes could be contributing to the abundance of screen zombies in your congregation.

I’ll outline each mistake, explain why it’s damaging to our church and its impact on congregational singing, and offer solutions to fix it. Chances are, you or your team members are committing at least one of these mistakes each week. The good news is that most of these mistakes are relatively simple to correct. So, let’s dig in.

Click here for Part 1 Mistakes #1 & #2
Click here for Part 2 Mistakes #3 & #4


Mistake #5: Can We Please Sit Down Now?

One common mistake in worship planning is making people stand for too long. While some churches embrace 30, 40, or even 50 minutes of musical worship as part of their culture, for many congregations, that’s simply too long. The reality is, that not everyone in your church is ready or even able to engage with extended periods of worship through singing.

It’s crucial to remember that music is not the primary worship language for many people. Some connect with God through nature, acts of service, or faith-based practices and rituals. Assuming that everyone wants to sing for 30 minutes or more can lead to disengagement and burnout.

So, how can we adjust? Here are two key points to remember as you plan worship:

  1. The Pace and Length of Your Sets Matter:

When our songs drag on too long, people mentally check out and stop singing. Keep an eye on the energy levels and adjust accordingly to maintain engagement.


  1. Weekend Worship Isn’t Meant to Be a Week’s Worth of Worship:

Sunday gatherings are not intended to fill every person’s worship tank for the week. Instead, aim to create a worship experience that leaves people wanting more, encouraging them to continue worshiping in ways that resonate with them throughout the rest of the week.

Mistake #6: It’s Too Loud or Too Soft

Volume plays a significant role in creating an inviting worship environment. If the music is too loud, people can’t hear themselves or others sing, which discourages participation. On the flip side, if it’s too soft, they might feel self-conscious, as though they’re singing a solo.

Finding the right volume is about more than personal preference—it’s about helping your congregation engage with worship. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Decide on Your Church’s Volume Philosophy:

Work with your church leadership to determine an ideal volume that aligns with your congregation’s needs. Whether your church prefers a high-energy experience or a more communal sound, be intentional in your decision-making. The goal is to foster worship, not simply to be cool or relevant.

  1. Communicate with Your Sound Tech: Once your volume philosophy is established, ensure your sound engineer knows what to listen for. A dB meter can give a general guideline, but there’s no substitute for trusting their ears and watching the congregation. Are people singing? Are they engaging with the music? 

Creating a Participatory Worship Environment

Here’s the honest truth: for most churches,

it’s far easier to sing for and at the congregation, than it is to get them to sing with you and to the Lord.

But here’s the thing, we are not priestly go-betweens for the congregation. We don’t worship for them. Our role is not to be musical mediators between the congregation and the Lord. It is to be lead worshipers who love the congregation and create the best possible environment that encourages them to sing to the Lord from their hearts.

If you’ve noticed yourself or your team making any of these mistakes—whether from this article or previous parts in the series—don’t be discouraged. The good news is that most of these issues are simple to correct. As you begin to address them, you’ll likely see your congregation engage in deeper, more meaningful worship.

Thanks for sticking with us through this series, and may your worship gatherings inspire hearts to sing!

This article was originally published in Worship Musician Magazine, November 2024 issue and has been modified from the original. 

Matt Miller